The special correspondent takes us to Lake Macquarie in the first reports. He was lucky enough to visit the home of Edward Hargraves, the well-known and venerable gold discoverer. He describes the sugar plantations and Chinese market gardens around the Lake.
On visits to the Paterson and the Upper Paterson, the next correspondent describes the vineyards and tobacco culture, schools and churches, properties and the people he meets.
Journeying from the New England to Newcastle, another correspondent went from Inverell to Armidale, Grafton, Uralla, Tamworth, Nundle, Goonoo Goonoo, Scone, Muswellbrook, Singleton, Maitland, the Paterson to Newcastle.
The last trip in the volume leaves Armidale, travelling through Glen Innes, Inverell, Bukkulla, Reedy Creek and Tenterfield to end his reports at Clifton Station.